Since Rex is a dog, the Courier has a hard time understanding him and concludes that Little Jimmy has fallen down a well. When the Courier has Rex as his companion, Rex may randomly talk to the Courier. This event is a callback to Fallout 3, where the "Mothership Zeta" DLC features these aliens and ship, and the models used in this game are the exact same as in Fallout 3. Once these aliens have been disposed of, their leader will drop the unique Alien Blaster weapon. As the player approaches there will be 3 aliens huddled around a campfire. North of the Horrowitz Farmstead the player will find a familiar looking space ship hovering in the air. This is a reference to Monty Python and the Holy Grail, where the main characters attempt to use a similar weapon.

In one of the churches in the irradiated Camp Searchlight, there is two boxes on a table, one containing 3 "Holy Frag Grenades" and the other instructing "Pull pin and count to 5 3". They are equipped with pre-War outfits and fight using rolling pins and switchblades. When the player is roaming Freeside, they may encounter 3 identical hostile elderly women, named "Malefic Maud", "Irate Ida" and"Rancorous Ruth". His in-game character also mimics the design of him from concept art. This is a reference to the cancelled game "Zybourne Clock", whereas the main character, Johnny Five-Aces, explained how time travel was possible by placing four balls in a line on a cliff. With Wild Wasteland, at the top of the cliff will be the corpse of a a man named Johnny. Near Goodsprings Source there will be a wander named Barton Thorn who approaches the Courier and asks for their help rescuing his girlfriend. This event is a direct reference to Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, where Indiana Jones hides in a lead-lined fridge to escape a nuclear blast, however it seems that this skeleton was not so lucky. Inside the fridge will be a (presumably male) skeleton wearing a Suave Gamblers hat.

One of the first events likely to be witnessed by a Wild Wasteland user is that there will be a fridge south of Goodsprings. There are 22 events changed through the use of Wild Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas, which are listed below.