Nintendo 64 duke nukem
Nintendo 64 duke nukem

nintendo 64 duke nukem

The game is set in the early years of the 21st century. The game does not bring much difference in gameplay or context, but, there are still many changes that have been made to fit the N64 platform. Duke Nukem 64 is a port version based on Duke Nukem 3D for Nintendo 64 devices. If you’ve ever known a name like GoldenEye 007 with agent James Bond, then this is a version evaluated as not less than it. L.A.Duke Nukem 64 is a famous name for the first-person shooter genre. Protective Boots | Scuba Gear | Vitamin X Health: Small Medkit | Large Medkit | Atomic Health | ArmorĪccess Card | Holoduke | Jetpack | Night Vision Goggles | Portable Medkit Pipe Bombs | Shrinker | Expander | Missile Launcher Mighty Foot | Pistol | Shotgun | SMGs (Sub-Machine Guns) | Grenade Launcher Protozoid Slimer | Recon Patrol Vehicle | Sentry Drone | Shark | Turretīosses: Battlelord | Overlord | Cycloid Emperor Duke Nukem 64Ĭommon Enemies: Assault Captain | Assault Commander | EnforcerĪssault Trooper | Battlelord Sentry | Octabrain | Pig Cop | Alien Beast View from inside a crevice in the wall, overlooking a pyramid in the middle of the main canyon. As a result, Duke's Skycar now crashes into a fully rendered 3D building. Many buildings and palm trees are visible outside the walls. However, there is now greater detail to the out-of-bounds areas surrounding the starting rooftop and surrounding the main street below. This level begins identically to the original Hollywood Holocaust in Duke Nukem 3D. The level numbering has been changed such that Hollywood Holocaust is listed as level 0 in this version of the game. NOTE: All screenshots on this page have a 1920 x 1080 resolution click on a screenshot and then click the "See full size image" button to view the full resolution image.

  • 1.19 Level 18: Lunatic Fringe (Secret Level).
  • 1.8 Level 7: Duke-Burger (Secret Level).

  • Nintendo 64 duke nukem